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Maine LEO Patrol Tools

Department | Chief Law Enforcement Officer | City |
Androscoggin County SO | Sheriff Guy Desjardins | Auburn | 784-7361 |
Aroostook County SO | Sheriff James Madore | Houlton | 532-3471 |
Ashland Police Dept. | Chief Cyr Martin Jr. | Ashland | 435-6626 |
Auburn Police Dept. | Chief Phillip Crowell Jr | Auburn | 784-7332 |
Augusta Police Dept. | Chief Robert Gregorie | Augusta | 626-2370 |
Baileyville Police Dept. | Chief Shawn Donahue | Balleyville | 427-6203 |
Bangor Police Department | Chief Ronald Gastia | Bangor | 947-7384 |
Bar Harbor Police Dept. | Chief Nathan W. Young | Bar Harbor | 288-3391 |
Bath Police Dept | Chief Michael Field | Bath | 443-5563 |
Belfast Police Dept. | Chief Michael McFadden, III | Belfast | 338-2420 |
Berwick Police Dept. | Chief Timothy Towne | Berwick | 698-1136 |
Biddeford Police Dept. | Chief Roger Beaupre | Biddeford | 282-5127 |
Boothbay Harbor Police Dept. | Chief Robert Hasch | Boothbay Harbor | 633-2451 |
Brewer Police Dept. | Chief Perry Antone Sr. | Brewer | 989-7001 |
Bridgton Police Dept. | Chief Kevin Schofield | Bridgton | 647-8814 |
Brownville Police Dept. | Chief Nicholas Clukey | Brownville | 965-2561 |
Brunswick Police Dept. | Chief Richard Rizzo | Brunswick | 725-6621 |
Bucksport Police Dept. | Chief Sean Geagan | Bucksport | 469-7951 |
Bureau of Safety | Director Lauren Stewart | Augusta | 624-8756 |
Buxton Police Dept. | Chief Mike Grovo | Buxton | 929-6612 |
Calais Police Dept. | Chief David Randall | Calais | 454-2751 |
Camden Police Dept. | Chief Randy Gagne | Camden | 236-3030 |
Cape Elizabeth Police Dept. | Chief Neil Williams | Cape Elizabeth | 767-3324 |
Capitol Police | Chief Russell Gauvin | Augusta | 287-4357 |
Caribou Police Dept. | Chief Michael Gahagan | Caribou | 493-3301 |
Carrabassett Valley | Chief Scott Nichols | Carrabassett Valley | 237-3200 |
Clinton Police Department | Chief Craig Johnson | Clinton | 426-9192 |
Cumberland County SO | Sheriff Kevin Joyce | Portland | 774-1444 |
Cumberland Police Dept. | Chief Joseph Charron | Cumberland | 829-6391 |
Damariscotta Police Dept. | Chief Steve Drake | Damariscotta | 563-1909 |
Dexter Police Dept. | Chief Kevin Wittle | Dexter | 924-7322 |
Dixfield Police Dept. | Chief Richard A. Pickett | Dixfield | 562-4517 |
Dover-Foxcroft Police Dept. | Chief Dennis A. Dyer | Dover-Foxcroft | 564-8021 |
East Millinocket Police Dept. | Chief Garold W. Cramp | E. Millinocket | 746-9951 |
Eastport Police Dept. | Chief Frank Gardner | Eastport | 853-4353 |
Eliot Police Dept. | Chief Ted Short | Eliot | 439-1179 |
Ellsworth Police Dept. | Chief John Deleo | Ellsworth | 667-8959 |
Fairfield Police Dept. | Chief John Emery | Fairfield | 456-9321 |
Falmouth Police Dept. | Chief Edward J. Tolan | Falmouth | 781-2300 |
Farmington Police Dept. | Chief Jack Peck | Farmington | 778-6311 |
Fire Marshal’s Office | Fire Marshal | Augusta | 287-3473 |
Fort Fairfield Police Dept. | Chief William Campbell | Ft. Fairfield | 472-3808 |
Fort Kent Police Dept. | Chief Kenneth Michaud | Fort Kent | 834-5678 |
Franklin County SO | Sheriff Dennis Pike | Farmington | 778-2680 |
Freeport Police Dept. | Chief Gerald Schofield | Freeport | 865-4212 |
Fryeburg Police Dept. | Chief Philip Weymouth | Fryeburg | 935-3323 |
Frye Island Police Dept | Chief Rod Beaulieu | Frye Island | 655-2600 |
Gardiner Police Dept. | Chief James Toman | Gardiner | 582-3211 |
Gorham Police Dept. | Chief Ronald Shepard | Gorham | 839-5581 |
Gouldsboro Police Dept. | Chief Glen Grant | Prospect Harbor | 963-5589 |
Greenville Police Dept. | Chief Jeffrey Pomerleau | Greenville | 695-2421 |
Hallowell Police Dept. | Chief Eric Nason | Hallowell | 623-3131 |
Hampden Police Dept. | Chief Joseph L. Rogers | Hampden | 862-3310 |
Hancock County SO | Sheriff William Clark | Ellsworth | 667-7575 |
Houlton Police Dept. | Chief Butch Asselin | Houlton | 532-2287 |
Indian Township Police Dept. | Chief Ralph Doten | Princeton | 796-5296 |
Jay Police Dept | Chief Larry White | Jay | 897-5545 |
Kennebec County SO | Sheriff Randall Liberty | Augusta | 623-3641 |
Kennebunk Police Dept. | Chief Robert Mackenzie | Kennebunk | 985-6121 |
Kennebunkport Police Dept. | Chief Craig Sanford | Kennebunkport | 967-2454 |
Kittery Police Dept. | Chief Paul Callahan | Kittery | 439-1638 |
Knox County SO | Sheriff Donna Dennison | Rockland | 594-5656 |
Lewiston Police Dept. | Chief Michael Bussiere | Lewiston | 513-3137 |
Limestone Police Dept. | Chief Stacey Mahan | Limestone | 325-4702 |
Lincoln County SO | Sheriff Todd Brackett | Wiscasset | 882-7332 |
Lincoln Police Dept. | Chief William Lawrence | Lincoln | 794-2221 |
Lincolnville Police Dept. | Chief Ronald Young | Lincolnville | 763-3555 |
Lisbon Police Dept. | Chief David T. Brooks | Lisbon | 353-2500 |
Livermore Falls Police Dept. | Chief Ernest Steward, Jr. | Livermore Falls | 897-3424 |
Machias Police Dept. | Chief Grady Dwelley | Machias | 255-4033 |
Madawaska Police Dept. | Chief Carroll Theriault | Madawaska | 728-6356 |
Madison Police Dept. | Chief Barry Moores | Madison | 969-5373 |
Maine Drug Enforcement Agency | Director Roy E. McKinney | Augusta | 287-3877 |
Maine Warden Service | Colonel Joel Wilkinson | Augusta | 287-2766 |
Maine Dept of Marine Resources | Colonel Joseph Fessenden | Augusta | 624-6571 |
Maine State Police | Chief Robert WIlliams | Augusta | 624-7200 |
Mechanic Falls Police Dept. | Chief Jeffrey B. Goss | Mechanic Falls, | 345-9021 |
Mexico Police Dept. | Chief of Police | Mexico | 364-7971 |
Millinocket Police Dept. | Chief Donald Bolduc | Millinocket | 723-9731 |
Milo Police Dept. | Chief Damien Pickel | Milo | 943-2522 |
Monmouth Police Dept. | Chief Kevin Mulherin | Monmouth | 933-4446 |
Newport Police Department | Chief Leonard MacDaid | Newport | 368-3263 |
Mt. Desert Police Dept. | Chief James Willis Jr. | Mount Desert | 276-5111 |
North Berwick Police Dept. | Chief Stephen Peasley | North Berwick | 676-2751 |
Norway Police Dept. | Chief Robert Federico | Norway | 743-6651 |
Oakland Police Dept. | Chief Michael Tracy | Oakland | 465-2202 |
Ogunquit Police Dept. | Chief Patricia Arnaudin | Ogunquit | 646-9361 |
Old Orchard Beach PD | Chief Dana Kelley | Old Orchard Beach | 934-4911 |
Old Town Police Dept. | Chief Donald O’Halloran | Old Town | 827-6358 |
Orono Police Dept. | Chief Gary Duquette | Orono | 866-4451 |
Oxford County SO | Sheriff Wayne Gallant | South Paris | 743-9554 |
Oxford Police Dept. | Chief Jon Tibbetts | Oxford | 539-4414 |
Paris Police Dept. | Chief David Verrier | South Paris | 743-7448 |
Penobscot County SO | Sheriff Glenn Ross | Bangor | 947-4585 |
Penobscot Indian Police Dept. | Chief Timothy Gould | Old Town | 827-6337 |
Penobscot Nation Police Dept. | Chief Robert E Bryant | Indian Island, | 827-6336 |
Piscataquis County SO | Sheriff John Goggin | Dover-Foxcroft | 564-3304 |
Pittsfield Police Dept. | Chief Steven Emery | Pittsfield | 487-3101 |
Pleasant Point Police Dept. | Chief of Police | Perry | 853-2551 |
Presque Isle Police Department | Chief Matthew Irwin | Presque Isle | 764-2535 |
Portland Police Dept. | Chief Michael Sauschuck | Portland | 874-8300 |
Richmond Police Dept. | Chief Scott McMaster | Richmond | 737-2615 |
Rangley Police Dept. | Chief Dennis Leahy | Rangeley | 864-2161 |
Rockland Police Dept. | Chief Bruce Boucher | Rockland | 594-0316 |
Rockport Police Dept. | Chief Mark G. Kelley | Rockport | 236-2027 |
Rumford Police Dept. | Chief Stacy Carter | Rumford | 364-4551 |
Sabattus Police Dept. | Chief Anthony Ward | Sabattus | 375-6952 |
Saco Police Dept. | Chief Bradley Paul | Saco | 284-4535 |
Sagadahoc County SO | Sheriff Joel Merry | Bath | 443-8201 |
Sanford Police Dept. | Chief Thomas Connolly Jr. | Sanford | 324-3644 |
Scarborough Police Dept. | Chief Robert Moulton | Scarborough | 883-6361 |
Searsport Police Dept. | Chief Richard LaHaye Jr. | Searsport | 548-2304 |
Skowhegan Police Dept. | Chief Michael Emmons | Skowhegan | 474-6908 |
Somerset County SO | Sheriff Barry Delong | Madison | 474-9591 |
South Berwick Police Dept. | Chief Dana P. Lajoie | South Berwick | 384-2254 |
South Portland Police Dept. | Chief Edward Googins | South Portland | 799-5511 |
Southwest Harbor Police Dept. | Chief David Chapais | Southwest Harbor | 244-5552 |
State Judicial Marshal Services | Judicial Marshal Michael A. Coty | Augusta | 287-5543 |
Thomaston Police Dept. | Chief Kevin Haj | Thomaston | 354-2511 |
Topsham Police Dept. | Chief Christopher Lewis | Topsham | 725-4337 |
UMF Dept. of Police & Safety | Director Ted Blais | Farmington | 778-7400 |
UMO Dept. of Police & Safety | Chief Ronald LaCroix | Orono | 581-4040 |
USM Dept. of Police & Safety | Chief Kevin Conger | Gorham | 780-5211 |
Van Buren Police Dept. | Chief Michael Bresett | Van Buren | 868-3481 |
Veazie Police Dept. | Chief Mark Leonard | Veazie | 947-2781 |
Waldo County SO | Sheriff Scott Story | Belfast | 338-2040 |
Waldoboro Police Dept. | Chief William Labombarde | Waldoboro | 832-4500 |
Washburn Police Dept. | Chief Roy Guidry | Washburn | 455-4043 |
Washington County SO | Sheriff Donald Smith | Machias | 255-4422 |
Waterville Police Dept. | Chief Joseph Massey | Waterville | 872-5551 |
Wells Police Dept. | Chief Jo-An Putnam | Wells | 646-9355 |
Westbrook Police Dept. | Chief Michael Pardue (AC) | Westbrook | 854-0644 |
Wilton Police Dept. | Chief Heidi Wilcox | Wilton | 645-4222 |
Windham Police Dept. | Chief Richard Lewsen Jr. | Windham | 892-2525 |
Winslow Police Dept. | Chief Jeffery P. Fenlason | Winslow | 872-5215 |
Winter Harbor Police Department | Chief Michael Walsh | Winter Harbor | 963-2235 |
Winthrop Police Dept. | Chief Joseph Young | Winthrop | 377-2226 |
Wiscasset Police Dept. | Chief Troy Cline | Wiscasset | 882-8202 |
Yarmouth Police Dept. | Chief Michael Morrill | Yarmouth | 846-3333 |
York County SO | Sheriff Maurice Ouellette | Alfred | 324-1111 |
York Police Dept. | Chief Douglas Bracy | York | 363-4444 |
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